We spent 30 minutes with ESS founder and MD, Lianne Newton, as she celebrates 30 years in the events and exhibitions industry.
Where did it all start? I applied for a trainee position, which allowed me to develop via distance learning. I was actually called a ‘YTS’ for years despite it not being a YTS scheme! It allowed me to create a fantastic career whilst gaining experience! Apprenticeships are amazing.
How did you know it was the industry for you? I fell in love with the coordination of lots of paperwork or, rather, my ability to manage lots of paperwork, as well as the technicality of plans. The icing on the cake for me was, and still is, building a relationship with our clients and their clients, the Exhibitors and Contractors. I found my niche, as they say.
Looking back before ESS began, I have fond memories of running an Organisers Office with a radio in one hand, a cigarette in the other, a phone tucked under my chin and typing press releases at the same time.
I think this industry is one big multi-task!
However, gone are the days of drinking until the early hours and being back at work at 8am. Whilst I have very fond (though a bit hazy!) memories of these fun nights, I just can’t do them anymore. I remember my first (and only) boss once dressed up as a girl so he could attend my ‘girls night’…fishnets and all!
I don’t think I’ll ever stop learning. I wouldn’t be in the position I am today if I hadn’t started from the bottom. And I still have so much to learn! I think the Opsnest helps fill in the blanks for anyone starting out in the industry or looking to grow their knowledge and understanding. You can most definitely learn a lot from Event Management degrees and this, together with onsite experience, is invaluable.
What keeps you in the sector after three decades? The build of events is changing and its incredible seeing the different ideas for each one and the evolution of build, materials and trends.
A big high for me is when you arrive onsite, you have all the plans in, accurate notes shared with the onsite teams and I’m always just really excited to see the construction start! I still find it fascinating to watch a construction start, seeing the different teams working alongside each other to deliver a really great event. I still get butterflies on open morning after seeing the cleaning fairies have been in and the Venue doors open for visitors.
There have also been so many funny moments along the way. Like the time when I received the most unusual stand plan ever...drawn on a set of post-it notes!
And I can’t forget the people! The exhibitions in industry is genuinely extraordinary. I was even once gifted a holiday by a client for stepping in to help out on a huge show very last minute. We still work together now…kindness goes a long way.
Times change but some faces remain the same… I still work with clients and people I worked with at the beginning in 1994, although we Teams or Zoom call now instead of using AA route planner to find business meetings! Some people can make it one big family onsite and I’m so very proud to know some true legends and call some of them friends.
Any words of advice for others starting out?
Take the leap - one of my proudest professional moments is starting over and setting up ESS 15 years ago. It was terrifying at the time, but so very worth it! So many of my proud moments are wrapped up in our business, from becoming a Director, to signing the tenancy for an office, to being nominated for AEO awards! The pandemic made us re-think our approach, re-fresh the brand and I couldn’t be prouder of the progress we’ve made since.
Anything you never go on-site without?
My go to onsite is to always have a stocked site office from tissues for tears, copious amounts of coffee and plenty of water and snacks for those burning the candle at both ends (and don’t forget the sweets for the Engineers!)
Any final thoughts?
Starting a business along with raising a family and just juggling day to day life is hard. I’ve learned it’s important to switch off and take time out. We shouldn’t feel guilty for not answering our phone late at night or answering an email within an hour. The Post It note plan submission can wait until the morning.